
The first of many ramblings.

This is weird.... 
Blogs are weird.... 
Uni is weird....
But I guess i'm pretty weird as well....

So yeah lets get started... Hi! I'm Amber, but I'm sure you already know that because one you are either my lecturer, two you are a fellow student or three you're my stalker; but if by some miracle you are none of those then here is some info about me and my life so far...

I'm from South London but now study at De Montfort University in Leicester; and well I don't live in London any more because my god that would be one hell of a commute. I moved into Uni accommodation with one of my good friends from back home and we are lucky enough to be studying the same subject: Game Art. I guess this is where I'm meant to say how much fun the next couple of years are going to be and how much I'm looking forward to them but truth be told I'm a little terrified; Its going to be hard work, but I'm up for the challenge! The first week of classes hasn't filled me with much confidence due to my awful tin can of a Dalek, out of proportion naked ladies and truly horrendous perspective of a canal; however to be fair its hard drawing bridges when you're constantly on the run from swans (the spawn of Satan), nevertheless I'm trying my hardest and will continue to.

I'm honestly not sure what else you're meant to write in a blog... apart from maybe random facts like how I'm a bit of a tea junkie and that I have webbed toes... but the main reason I'm writing this is so I can track my progress as I continue Uni; its definitely not because my lecturer is making me or anything like that...

But any who its about time I depart and make my self a cuppa (typing boring nonsense is rather stressful after all). So be sure to keep an eye out for more of my ramblings; I was going to end this blog by saying "see you next time"  but I doubt that's rather suitable seeing how you're on the other side of a screen... so Cheerio will have to do for now :)

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